Soulshine Pre-Order
Luke's Store Items

£40 - Gold Level 1
Gold level I buyers will receive a physical CD upon completion of the music and a digital download of the album. An access all areas dropbox link to a number of folders that will include ‘work in progress’ mixes and stem mixes (where you can hear individual instruments on their own, create your own backing tracks and fully manipulate the audio files). Your full name or nickname will be added and will appear on the contributors appreciation page on the physical album booklet. Also, (if you so choose) your picture can be added to a montage inside of the booklet.

£25 - Silver Level 2
Silver level II buyers will receive a physical CD upon completion of the music and the digital download of the album. An access link to a dropbox folder that will have updates of all the songs from the album up until completion. You will also get to hear all of the mixers and demonstrations in a ‘work in progress’ dropbox folder.

£10 - Bronze Level 3
Bronze level III buyers will receive a full digital album and a 50% discount token of the purchase of the physical CD upon completion of the music.